Friday, September 12, 2014

Home Education Planning Folder

Last week I promised a look inside my planning folder. So here it is.

I have a divider for each area that we are planning to cover for the Pre-K year

Then I have a section for weekly lesson plans. Since we are building around the weekly Torah Portion (Parsha) I have a weekly lesson plan overview.

Under each weekly lesson plan overview I have a four day lesson plan. I don't have a structured plan for Preparation Day (Friday) as our focus that day is on preparing for Shabbat.

Each week is in a page protector with all the individual worksheets and coloring/activity pages ready to be copied. Once copied the worksheets and coloring/activity sheets will be transferred to the student folder. (The student folder is the purple one that sits beside the pink Planning Folder on our bookshelf.)

I'm still working on putting the meat to the weekly and daily lesson plans. We're planning our official start on October 20th, the Monday after the start of the new Torah Cycle. My plan is to have all the lesson for Genesis ready by then.

Once I have Genesis completed, and figure out how to share downloadable documents from here I'll share a copy of the lesson plans here on the blog.


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